Mezipatra Queer Film Festival [WEB ARCHIVE 2000--2012] - Christopher and His Kind

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Queer osvobozuje od tradič- ního vnímání sexuálních a genderových identit založe- ných na neměnných katego- riích muž / žena, hetero-sexuální / homosexuální.

Christopher and His Kind


Christopher Isherwood, long before he became the world-famous writer (his work inspiring the film, Cabaret, recently his novel was adapted into A Single Man), he left his English countryside residence and his overbearing mother for the Berlin of the 1930s. Even though red flags with swastikas are already being put up, the nightlife is ruled by parties, cabaret, and seductive liberalism. The young Christopher meets his muse, finds inspiration and among the pretty boys,-for whom he traveled to Berlin in the first place-finds a delicate true love. Yet the darkness of Nazism starts to overshadow their sunny days. Starring Matt Smith (Doctor Who).

 sbohem berline1

Sbohem Berlíne
Christopher and his Kind 

Out of Competition

GB / 2011
90 min / BetaSP

Writer: Kevin Elyot
Director: Geoffrey Sax
Cast: Matt Smith, Imogen Poots, Lindsay Duncan

Brno: 5. 11. /// 18.00 /// Art
Praha: 13. 11. /// 15.30 /// Světozor


FaLang translation system by Faboba

Znělka 2011

Mezipatra 2012

  • Praha: 8.-14. 11. 2012
    kina Lucerna // Světozor
  • Brno: 16.-22. 11. 2012
    kina Art // KRYT(ISŠA) // Multikulturni centrum STADEC

Ocenění 2011