Mezipatra Queer Film Festival [WEB ARCHIVE 2000--2012] - Cyberqueers - gender, sexuality and new technologies

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Queer osvobozuje od tradič- ního vnímání sexuálních a genderových identit založe- ných na neměnných katego- riích muž / žena, hetero-sexuální / homosexuální.

Cyberqueers - gender, sexuality and new technologies

At first we take a retro trip back to the mid 1980s, when Donna Haraway came up with the metaphor of the cyborg - “created in the post-gender world…dedicated to partialness, irony, intimacy and perversion”




– and we examine its significance for the concept and formation of gender and sexual identity. We then grasp the potential of cyborgs using queer theory and theme (reconstruction) of hybrid identities. In the end we pose several questions concerning new reproductive technologies, the use of fear and demonization in political debates and the boundaries of normality.


Lecture by Jolana Navrátilová.


Free Entry.

Brno: 3. 11. /// 16:30 /// Museum of Art MG, lecture hall, Husova 14



FaLang translation system by Faboba

Znělka 2011

Mezipatra 2012

  • Praha: 8.-14. 11. 2012
    kina Lucerna // Světozor
  • Brno: 16.-22. 11. 2012
    kina Art // KRYT(ISŠA) // Multikulturni centrum STADEC

Ocenění 2011