DV8: Strange Fish

Velká Británie 1994
Režie: David Hinton, Lloyd Newson
Scénář: Lloyd Newson, fyzické divadlo DV8
Kamera: Nick Knowland
Hudba: Jocelyn Pook, Adria Johnston
Hrají: Kate Champion, Nigel Charnock, Jordi Cortes Molina, Wendy Houston, Diana PAyne-Myers a další
- Film bude uveden společně s krátkometrážním Tango D´Amour

The film Strange Fish is, for the present, the best art film produced of the British dance and musical company DV8 (deviate), founded by Lloyd Newson in 1986. The most important feature of DV8 is the direct, comprehensive expression of ideas and feelings without hypocrisy. Dialogues are absent here. Dance is their language, mimicking the spoken word in its ful range of expression. The company DV8 has made three films based on their performances: Dead Dreams of Monochrome Men, Enter Achilles, and Strange Fish, treating the theme of friendship, loss of trust, loneliness and pain.
- Film bude uveden na festivalu Mezipatra 2003 díky podpoře British Council a společnosti RM Associates.
Art Brno, 16.11. 20:00
Aero Praha, 23.11. 20:00