Mezipatra Queer Film Festival [WEB ARCHIVE 2000--2012] - Nightmares of Men

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10. queer filmový festival Mezipatra 2009


Queer osvobozuje od tradič- ního vnímání sexuálních a genderových identit založe- ných na neměnných katego- riích muž / žena, hetero-sexuální / homosexuální.

Nightmares of Men

Set of gay short films

  • Amsterdam Diary
  • Heiko
  • On the Bus
  • The Traitor
  • James
  • Chef‘s Letter
  • The Hope
  • Weak Species

Amsterdamský deník


Amsterdamský deník
Amsterdamský deník
Amsterdam Diary

Czech Republic, 2008
9 min.

Director: Lukáš Bača

A stay in Amsterdam captured in a diary using various animation techniques narrates story of director´s coming-out in a light, amusing and still strongly authentic way. Personal testimony presented in a charming piece of art.


Portuguese, 2007
13 min.

Director: David Bonneville

One evening says it all about an extreme relationship of a 70-year old aesthete and his young lover. An revealing film on fetishism and a two-sided, overflowing addiction.

V autobuse
On the Bus
On the Bus

Canada, 2008
6 min.

Director: Tracy D. Smith

Jeremy's high school unrequited love and a crucial convesation on the bus, supported by his vivid imagination.

The Traitor

Israel, 2009
14 min.

Director: Tomer Velkoff

A steady couple's dinner at home dwindles, after a break-up announcement, into a painful analysis of their relationship and a succession of extreme situations.


Ireland, 2008
18 min.

Director: Connor Clements

Northern Ireland. James is trying to solve his problems with the parents, school and own sexuality and he confides into his idolized teacher. He though does not act on the way his pupil has expected.

Šéfkuchařův dopis
Chef‘s Letter
Chef‘s Letter

Great Britain, 2008
14 min.

Director: Sybil H. Mair

The chef Rob is writing a letter to his wife and losing self-control to his advancing obsession a jealousy, that he is facing about his young trainee.

The Hope

Czech Republic, 2009
20 min.

Director: Jan Kobler

The chef Rob is writing a letter to his wife and losing self-control to his advancing obsession a jealousy, that he is facing about his young trainee. 

Slabý druh
Weak Species
Weak Species

USA, 2009
35 min.

Director: Dan Faltz

An American high school is the playground for crude stories of two boys, craving to feel something. Obsession, suicide, violence, sexual promiscuity, drugs a very actual blood in this cynical, piercing view of adolescence.


BRNO: 28. 10. // 18.00 // Scala
PRAHA: 3. 11. // 16.00 // Lucerna
PRAHA: 5. 11. // 13.15 // Světozor
OSTRAVA: 14. 11. // 17.30 // Klub Atlantik


V autobuse



Šefkuchařův dopis



Slabý druh

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Znělka 2009

Mezipatra 2009

  • Diváci: 12 500
  • Projekce: 89
  • Doprovodné akce: 24
  • Filmy: 100
  • Web: 50 500 návštěv
  • Ozvěny: Ostrava, Olomouc, Pardubice, Č.Budějovice

Ocenění 2009