Mezipatra Queer Film Festival [WEB ARCHIVE 2000--2012] - O festivalu

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10. queer filmový festival Mezipatra 2009


Queer osvobozuje od tradič- ního vnímání sexuálních a genderových identit založe- ných na neměnných katego- riích muž / žena, hetero-sexuální / homosexuální.

O festivalu

Informace o tváři Mezipater 2009. Znělka, poroty, hosté, kontakty, dramaturgie, patroni/-ky, ocenění a další. Informace o vstupném a soubory ke stažení najdete v sekci Pro návštěvníky.

rumpel-web-mezipatra-09Is it a woman? Is it a man? Secret chromosome tests, a media scandal – the recent commotion surrounding athlete Semenya reminded us how essential it is for us to know and define gender on the basis of the immutable gender categories - male / female - that we mechanically derive from the biological differences between the sexes. Presumptions about correct male and female appearance, behaviour and speech are entirely cultural, created by society and are – obligatory. We all have to choose and adapt. Even if we, like Semenya, are not born as a man or a woman.

Václav HavelMr. Václav Havel has been a patron of Mezipatra since 2006. This yedition is being held also under the auspices of MUDr. Pavel Bém, the Mayor of the City of Prague, Mgr. Michal Hašek, the Governor of South Moravian Region and Mgr. Martin Ander, Ph.D., the Deputy Mayor of the City of Brno.

We appreciate all the support we have recieved from our partners.

13-katalog1a-800Autorem festivalového designu letošních Mezipater je Jan Kolář. Ke svému dílu nabízí vlastní explikaci:

mezipatra_main_jury_09Main Jury gives the Main Jury Award for Best Feature Fiction Film.




mezipatra-student-jury-2009Studentská porota hodnotí krátkometrážní snímky přihlášené do soutěže a uděluje Cenu pro nejlepší krátký hraný film.




081112-195408-zakonceni-bazi-img-4843 Basic contact information and the festival team.

  • Postal address: STUD Brno, Šmejkalova 75, 616 00 Brno
  • E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Fax: +420 - 549 212 727


20071107-mezipatra-marketa-p1020213.jpg The Czech GLBT Film Festival was founded in 2000. The first edition of the festival, then named ‘Duha nad Brnem’ (Rainbow over Brno), introduced 8 feature and documentary films, 3 theatre performances and 3 fine art exhibitions to an audience of 800. The third edition, under its new title Mezipatra, expanded from Brno to Prague.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Znělka 2009

Mezipatra 2009

  • Diváci: 12 500
  • Projekce: 89
  • Doprovodné akce: 24
  • Filmy: 100
  • Web: 50 500 návštěv
  • Ozvěny: Ostrava, Olomouc, Pardubice, Č.Budějovice

Ocenění 2009