History across the centuries follows the enigmatic Orlando, who is not ageing as ordered by the dying Queen Elizabeth the First, and who travels the world a time via Constantinopol all the way back to England of the 1990’s, devoting himself to diplomacy, art and intricate love affairs. Always a non-conformist, Orlando becomes a woman in the course of his immortal life, thus transcending not only the human flow of time but also beyond the traditional understanding of gender. In the virtuosic adaptation of Virginia Woolf’s novel of the same name, the queer icon Tilda Swinton is starring in the androgynous title role.
UK, RU, FR, IT, NL / 1992
94 min / Blu-ray
Writer: Sally Potter
Director: Sally Potter
Cast: Tilda Swinton, Billy Zane, Quentin Crisp
Brno: 4. 11. /// 18.00 /// Sál B. Bakaly
Praha: 15. 11. /// 20.45 /// Lucerna