The Bizzare, A Musical And Cinematic Dreams
Set of gay short films
Tomorrow Everything Will Be Alright
Zítra bude všechno dobrý
Tomorrow Everything Will Be Alright
UK, Libanon / 2010 / 7 min
Director: Akram Zaatari
“Hello, sexy… You know who this is.” This virtual chat (via typewriter) ten years after a break-up (via a typewriter) is a witty and emotional short with the dimension and strength of the ultimate love story.
Cake and Sand
Dorty v písku
Torten im sand
DE / 2011 / 13 min
Director: Christoph Scheermann
A couple in love and in trouble, Tim and Julian travel to the coastline for the weekend, where cakes tainted by the beach sand expect them. This young director is asking whether love can rescue a relationship that is being destroyed by a non-functioning sex life.
Figs in Motion
Fíky v pohybu
Figs in Motion
CA / 2011 / 8 min
Director: Trevor Anderson, Aaron Munson
Had music videos existed at the eve of cinema’s very beginnings, this is what they would have looked like. And they would have two hairy, muscular men performing as six ballerinas - and it is just the the starting point for this experiment with image, score and playful obscurity.
NO / 2011 / 12 min
Director: Maria Bock
Parents´ panic over the lack of hair on the head of the man kissing their son will not spoil Jonas´s delight – he makes the entire village to dance and sing "we want to kiss a baldguy". You will never forget the meaning of the Norwegian word "skallaman" nor this enchanting musical.
Lek and the Waterboy
Lek a vodní kluk
Lek and the Waterboy
CA, Thajsko/ 2010 / 8 min
Director: Lasse Nielsen
The delicate, poetic story takes place in
Birth 3: The Death of a Triptych
Narození 3: Smrt triptychu
Birth 3: The Death of a Triptych
FR / 2011 / 17 min
Director: Antony Hickling
An extreme, exalted and symbolic experimental testimony of the artist Antony Hickling explores transsexuality, society and the desire for genuine feminity.
Cucej palec
UK / 2009 / 6 min
Director: Richard Mansfield
The frisky shadowplay animation constitutes a horror lullaby about Konrad, whose life’s biggest pleasure is to suck his thumb. (Out of competition.)
Foucault's room
Foucaultův pokoj
Foucault's room
DE, PO / 2011 / 18 min
Director: Renaud Marville
An evocative reconstruction of a young Polish man's experience: one day in 1958 he got so drunk on vodka, that as he was staggering around Warsaw's streets, he was taken in by the famous French philosopher (and famous homosexual) Michel Foucault.
Total: 89 min
BRNO: 7. 11. /// 21.00 /// ART – MS
PRAHA: 12. 11. /// 20.30 /// SVĚTOZOR – MS