Mezipatra Queer Film Festival [WEB ARCHIVE 2000--2012] - Impossible Guys, Possible Loves

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Queer osvobozuje od tradič- ního vnímání sexuálních a genderových identit založe- ných na neměnných katego- riích muž / žena, hetero-sexuální / homosexuální.

Impossible Guys, Possible Loves

Set of gay short films

  • Friday's Child
  • Junk
  • Alle Werden
  • The Love permit
  • Cappuccino
  • The New Tenants


Páteční kluk



Friday's Child
Páteční kluk

Denmark / 2010 / 10 min

Director: Tom Kietz

The 14-year old Runem was born Friday, loves the band The Smiths, wears a yellow raincoat and not only for those reasons, he is the “odd boy.” One day he meets a graffiti beginner and thus starts a delicately funny film about the first kiss.



UK / 2011 / 24 min

Director: Joe Morris

Rough, dirty and realistic take on the breaking point of a relationship involving two boys on the run, in drug withdrawal a down stands out with remarkable cinematography and acting, in the best tradition of British social drama.


Všichni budou
Alle Werden

Switzerland / 2011 / 19 min

Director: Piet Baumgartner

Samuel and Andreas are best friends as well as roomates. At a party on the roof Samuel meets Andreas’ man-about-town attractive colleague and is hopelessly falling for him, while Andreas is hopelessly trying to save the day.


Povolení k lásce
The Love permit

USA / 2011 / 13 min

Director: Christopher Ludgate

Retro-futuristic mini-comedy takes place in a world, where you need an official permition allowing you to fall in love. But what if you already are in love? In the absurd bureaucracy, a sympathetic clerk might help to beat the system.



FR / 2011 / 16 min

Director: Tamer Ruggli

The coming-of-age Jeremie is caught between hiding his homosexuality, an overprotective mother and the unattainable idol of his fantasies Damien, with whom he gets a unique unexpected chance to spend an evening together.


Noví nájemnící
The New Tenants

USA, Denmark / 2010 / 20 min

Director: Joachim Back

The darkest comedy with a pile of dead bodies, dirty satirical talks and the ultimate romantic happyend for two men, who, on their moving in day, collect all the absurd bad luck there is. Academy Award for Best Short Film.


Total: 102 min


BRNO: 6. 11. /// 21.00 /// ART – MALÝ SÁL
PRAHA: 15. 11. /// 15.30 /// SVĚTOZOR
PRAHA: 16. 11. /// 20.30 /// SVĚTOZOR


Páteční kluk








Všichni budou



Povolení k lásce








Noví nájemníci

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Znělka 2011

Mezipatra 2012

  • Praha: 8.-14. 11. 2012
    kina Lucerna // Světozor
  • Brno: 16.-22. 11. 2012
    kina Art // KRYT(ISŠA) // Multikulturni centrum STADEC

Ocenění 2011