This film, the latest by the living legend of feminist and queer cinema, Monika Treut, premiered at this year's Berlinale. An original tale that narrates the life of the artist Sophie, blended from recollections and the vibrating present and shifting between Hamburg and Taipei, after the murder of her lover. According to Taiwanese tradition, a woman can return from the afterlife as a ghost and punish the living for their sins. A complicated, mysterious and charming romance about inspiration, immortality and passion.
Feature Film Competition
Germany/Taiwan, 2009
English with Czech subtitles
89 min, 35mm
Writer: Monika Treut, Astrid Ströher
Director: Monika Treut
Cast: Inga Busch, Huan-Ru Ke, Ting-Ting Hu
THX: Goethe Institut
BRNO: 28. 10. // 21.00 // Art
PRAHA: 3. 11. // 18.00 // Lucerna