A moving film based on true events. The film tells the story of Pedro Zamora, a young HIV+ gay activist who participated in the 90's reality-show “The Real World”, which sparked debate about the myths and prejudices associated with AIDS. The film focuses on the key moments in Pedro's life, returning to his childhood in Cuba and while on the reality show, including his relationship with his partner, and their subsequent marriage on the show. The script was written by Oscar award winning Dustin Lance Black, author of Milk.
Feature Film Competition
USA, 2008
English with Czech subtitles
104 min, DVD
Writer: Dustin Lance Black, Paris Barclay
Director: Nick Oceano
Cast: Alex Loynaz, Justina Machado, Hale Appleman, DaJuan Johnson
THX: Česko-německý fond budoucnosti
BRNO: 25. 10. // 21.00 // Scala
PRAHA: 4. 11. // 18.00 // Lucerna