Nick, Kris, Jif, Ryan
Installation - Jim Verburg
Jim Verburg, Canadian artist, photographer and film-maker, is concerned with exploring the intricacies, dualities and the celebration of relationships. His approach is rooted in an intimate and personal narrative. He is interested in the subtle links and connections between people, experience, emotion, and personal reality, as well as situating images in a time and context - whether in the context of love, sexuality, friendship, family relationships, a conversation or the larger context of homosexual imagery. As the opening personality of these four men, he aims to present a normalized, even mundane, portrayal of complex emotional ideas by representing and revealing the subtleties and layers of human experience.
Open: Mo-Sun 09-24
Opening 4. 11. 2010 at 18:00
Free entry
PRAHA: 4. 11. – 30. 11. // Nová Scéna Národního divadla, Národní 4