PRAHA: Tuesday 11.11.
Vesmírna, Ve Smečkách 5
- 16.00
Bad Education: Crip Representation and the Limits of Tolerance (Queer Café discussion)
Lucerna, Vodičkova 36
- 17.45
Red Without Blue / Red Without Blue
- 20.00
Strictly Private - set of short films
- 22.15
She's a Boy I Knew / She's a Boy I Knew
Světozor, Vodičkova 41
- 13.15
Dolls and Mums – set of short films
- 15.30
Boys & guys, day & night – set of short films
- 17.45
Further Off the Straight & Narrow / Further Off the Straight & Narrow +
debate on GLBT in Czech TVs
- 20.00
Heroes and Gay Nazis / Männer, Helden, schwule Nazis
Friends, Bartolomějská 11
- 22.00
Festivalov Karaoke (party)