O festivalu
Trailer, juries, guests, contacts, patrons, awards.
I have been a patron of the Mezipatra Film Festival for several years particularly because I vividly remember the times when anyone who was in some way different was at best ignored, but more likely mocked, humiliated and then cast to the fringes of society. I am glad that today’s society is a bit more tolerant.
Mezipatra number nine.
Some people go up, some people go down. Never in the history of Mezipatra have we come this close to the meaning of the festival name: Mezzanine. The main thematic focus is “life after…” – after sex change, diagnosis, loss of partner. The theme is not dark, the characters of this year’s films are heroes and heroines in the inconspicuous meaning of the word; they are characterised by a skill so vital in the histories of minorities: ability to survive.
Rosa von Praunheim has been making queer films for four decades. He was born in 1942 as Holger Mischwitzky in Riga, Latvia. He chose his artist name Rosa to remind people of the pink triangle ("rosa Winkel") that homosexuals were forced to wear in the Nazi concentration camps. He has made more than 60 films, many of which deal with his favorite subjects: homosexuality, older women, New York City.
Main Jury judges feature fiction films and gives the Mezipatra Main Jury Award for Best Feature Fiction Film.
The Student Jury judges short films and gives the Student Jury Award for Best Short Film.
Whoever closely follows the happenings around Mezipatra has certainly
not missed the new trailer for this exceptional 9th annual film
festival. The author is the multicultural Janek Růžička, who with this
work stirred up a passionate discussion on what “his” new trailer
actually means.
It creates so much excitement perhaps because for some, the trailer doesn’t fit into any “expected” or so-called “normal” categories. Not just because of that, but primarily due to the admiration of people who are able to devote their time to a beneficial project, we bring you the following interview.
Mezipatra nepřináší divákům pouze čerstvé filmy s GLBTQ tématikou. Pro
soutěživé a milovníky napětí je připravena soutěžní sekce, kde se na
plátně utkájí celovečerní filmy, hodnocené mezinárodní porotou, a pásma
krátkých filmů, které hodnotí porota studentská.
Basic contacts & festival production team.
- Mailing address: STUD Brno, Šmejkalova 75, 616 00 Brno, Czech Republic
- E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Tel/fax: +420 - 549 212 727
Czech Gay and Lesbian Film Festival MEZIPATRA is a specialized competitive film festival focusing on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender related films. The aims of the festival organized on a non-profit base are to promote quality human-interest films and contribute to the emancipation of gender minorities in the Czech Republic.